CooL PradeeP



The gray langur, with the midnight-black face (shown 
here) and the macaque, or the red monkey are seen widespread in Sri Lanka's jungle areas and sometimes 
even in the small villages. The larger ofthe two species, 
the langur, lives in large groups among the trees andis usually not aggressive. Groups of these monkeys are a common sight at some of the Buddhist temples in the dry region, and most often seen begging for ive-aways, or if un-successful, stealing, from the unsuspecting visitor. 
There are several other species of monkey in the 
Sri Lanka jungles, but they are confined to the hilly 
and mostly inaccessible areas and for this reason 
are not seen by the average visitor to the island.


One of the three bee-eaters found in the island
(one a migrant) this resident bird is widly distributed 
both in the wet and drt zones. It feeds on insects, the favourite being the dragon files which it catches on the
wing performing aerial acrobatics that will make the 
finest air ace blush. This super specimen was seen at Diganwala in the Yala National Park.


Elephant is the "tractor" of the jungle. It can easily 
haul twenty foot sections of hard-wood from the 
middle of the jungle to the road, generally finds its 
own food, and only demands loyalty and a good 
word from it's trainer, the mahout. For, if the mahout mis-treats the elephant, there are mumerous 
recorded cases, where the elephant will take 
revenge, and in most cases fatal to the mahout.

It is estimated that there are about 2,500 to 3000 
elephants in Sri Lanka, and about 500 of them are 
tame, and are used for work. In rural areas it is
fairly common to see an elephant on the side of the 
road, with a big bundle of coconut leaves in it's 
mouth, coming home for the night with the mahout 
riding on its' back. 


 There are four species of deer in the plains and jungles
of Sri Lanka. Spotted deer, barking deer, mouse deer
and the Sambhur (elk). The Sambhur is somewhat 
darker than the others, and is the biggest, about five 
feet atthe shoulders, and perhaps the most handsome.
The "spotted deer" shown here is by far, the most 
common,and can be seen in large herds in some 
of the nationalparks and most of the open plains,
specially inthe northern dry sector.


The peacock, largest of the pheasants, is native to 
Sri Lanka and India. It is often the male of the 
species that is shown in photographs, showing the 
beautiful plumage. Hence the simile "proud as a 
peacock". The female (pea hen) lacks the beautiful ornamental feathers or the bright coloring. 

Although native to Sri Lanka, the peacock population 
has gone down considerably, for, at one time it was considered a delicacy and peafowl were hunted 
down indiscriminately. Pea fowl are tamed quite 
readily, and sometimes can be seen in the lawns 
of some of the hotels, and bigger private residences. 

For Hindus in Sri Lanka, peacock holds a special 
place too, for Skanda the God of Katharagamasits 
with his wives astride a peacock. Lord Vishnu, one 
of the major Gods, also is often shown with a 
peacock in the background. 


The common heron, that is seen everywhere in the 
island, apart from being a sight to behold when in
flight in a large group, also serves as a pest controller
in the rice fields. It's primary food source, the crabs
that live in the fields, could raise havoc in the terraced
rice paddies, if not controlled. An occasional fish or a
baby snake that may wonder into it's path is sure to be made into heron poop too!. 

Pinnewala Elephant Orphanage, deep in the tropical
hill country, the motherless calves are raised by 
dedicated human foster parents who ply them with 
bottled milk five times a day, and an occasional swig of beer, in an effort to help preserve Asia's dwindling wild-elephant population. 

The orphans arrive here from across the country,
rescued from remote areas where they have lost 
their mothers to accidents, to poachers, and most 
often to land mines left by the warring factions in the northern part of the country. 

Click on the following links to read more about Elephants :

Wild Elephants 
Homeless Elephants ...
Elephant Orphanage ...


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